Discover the wellness workshops, support groups, and products and services available in your area. By financially supporting some of these organizations, the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation is helping to build bridges between everyone involved in supporting people affected by breast cancer.

Wishing to expand its scope across Quebec, the Foundation is eager to partner with any organizations offering services or products for those affected. To improve quality of life, everyone should have access to various forms of breast cancer support, regardless of where they live. 

Since we are always updating our information, we invite you to tell us about the services and products that can be found in your area and that do not yet appear on our site.  Please email us at The interactive map below shows resources by region. Zoom in and click on a region to get more information about what’s available there.

Filter map by:

Canadian Cancer Society

Phone: 1-888-939-3333
Email address:

Everywhere in Québec
(information on cancer and support)
(general requests)


Phone: 514-934-1934
Email address:

1001 Décarie Boulevard, D RC 1329
Montréal (Quebec)
H4J 3J1

General Information :

514-934-1934 ext. 31666

Complementary therapies, support groups and workshops: 514-934-1934 ext. 35297


Fondation Virage

Phone: 514 890-8000 ext. 28139
Email address:

1000, Saint-Denis Street, Local C14-7065
Montreal (Qc) H2X 3E4

CHUM Integrated Cancer Center

Quebec Cancer Foundation

Phone: 1 800 363-0063
Email address:

Montréal, Québec, Sherbrooke,
Trois-Rivières, Gatineau

Look good, feel better

Phone: 1 800 914-5665
Email address:

Everywhere in Quebec

Hope & Cope

Phone: 514-340-3616
Email address:

4635 Côte Sainte Catherine Road
Montréal (Quebec) H3W 1M1