« Step by Step » with Nadège St-Philippe

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I had cancer when I was 36. It was a major challenge. Even today, I’m still tending my wounds, including grieving that I’ll never be a mom. I know, as someone who’s dealing with this disease, that it’s never really completely over… Yes, I have my health back; yes, it’s possible to pick yourself back up. But our hearts and minds will be forever marked by this experience.

During my treatments, I was in a wheelchair. I’m convinced that being in good physical shape before my diagnosis enabled me to get through the ordeal a little more easily. Today, I’m so grateful for each step I take. Before I was diagnosed, I taught step classes for 12 to 15 hours every week. I regained my health by walking 10 minutes a day. It feels so good to get outside and breathe some fresh air!

I realize it’s not always easy to get exercise! But, judging by my experience, the benefits of physical activity are totally worth the effort!

Do the Pink Tour for yourself and for the cause!

I signed up for the Pink Tour as soon as I heard about this amazing cause. Its community-oriented values and sports focus speak right to me and really get me motivated. For me, it’s totally a winning combination!

The Pink Tour is accessible and for everyone. And using our bodies, using up some energy and sharing it all with others brings us together. Through this initiative, we can ease the suffering of thousands of people, since the donations we collect are used in part to provide support services and fund cutting-edge research.

I’m a step instructor, so that’s how I’m going to be racking up my kilometres until September 29! I also organize monthly group classes to get my co-workers, friends and family moving.