Being diagnosed with breast cancer comes as a huge shock. A diagnoses brings upheaval and a loss of all life’s usual touchstones. Redefining who you are and the meaning you want to give your life is no easy task, but one the disease will indeed force on you.
To support you through the many emotional challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis, whether you are the person who is or was affected, a family member or a friend, you can count on the clinical expertise of our social worker, Cécilia Peugeot. She has more than 10 years of professional experience with a diverse clientele.
We provide psychosocial support to help you work towards personal, social, family and professional balance. This includes:
Individual meetings in person, over the phone or by videoconference, to discuss:
- Adaptive support
- Managing emotions
- Isolation and/or sense of aloneness
- Access to resources
- Going back to work
- Rights and available benefits
- And anything else you need to talk about
Family interviews, in person or by videoconference, to discuss:
- The disease and its impact on different family members
- Being a mother, spouse and patient
- Family conflicts
- Each person’s place in this new reality
- Access to resources
- And anything else your family needs to talk about
Phone or e-mail Cécilia to schedule a meeting. The number of sessions will be decided with you, based on your needs.
Tel.: 1-877-990-1717, ext. 274 or (in Montréal) 514-871-1717, ext. 274