Committed to the Fight Against Breast Cancer, Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation Is More Relevant Than Ever in Quebec

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We have been made aware in advance of the ongoing merger negotiations between the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. The two organizations are planning to amalgamate under the Canadian Cancer Society banner. The Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation congratulates the two charities on this initiative.

In order to avoid any misunderstanding, we wish to assure you that the eventual merger will not have an impact on the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation. We will maintain our autonomy as an independent organization. The Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation is financially solid, benefits from sound governance and makes 100% of its investments in Quebec.

We will continue to work tirelessly in support of women and their families in all regions of Quebec and to invest in research and innovation as well as education, support and financial assistance programs and awareness campaigns.

For more than 20 years, the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation is proud to have been the leader and the only organization in Quebec entirely devoted to the fight against breast cancer.

With the support of our donors and our partners, our Foundation has invested more than $36 million since its creation in supporting the scientific and medical communities of Quebec and in ensuring Quebec remains a key player on the national and international stage. This allows people touched by breast cancer to benefit from the most innovative advances in care.

Our whole-hearted commitment to advance the fight against breast cancer is more relevant than ever.

Nathalie Tremblay, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation