Are your health rights being respected?

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Do you know you have rights when it comes to your health? Make sure you know them so they are respected and you receive proper care.

In short, here are your health rights:

  1. If your life or integrity is threatened, you have the right to receive the care required by your condition. When requested, health institutions are required to ensure that this care is provided.
  2. You have the right to be informed of your state of health and well-being, so as to be aware of the different options available to you for treatment, as well as the risks and consequences generally associated with each of these options, before consenting to care. You also have the right to refuse to be informed of certain information.
  3. You cannot be subjected to care or any other intervention without your free and informed consent. You may refuse treatment without having to give justification, even if the consequences of this refusal can be fatal. The doctor must make sure they make this choice freely and that you know and understand the potential consequences of your decision.
  4. You have the right to choose the health professional or institution from whom you wish to receive care. You may find it useful to seek a second opinion in regard to your state of health and well-being, according to the institution’s available resources.
  5. You have the right to receive end-of-life care. The Act Respecting End-of-Life Care ensures that people at the end of their lives receive care that respects their dignity and autonomy. Palliative care and physician-assisted death are two potentially available options, depending on the patient’s case.
  6. If you are dissatisfied with the health and social services you received or should have received, you have the right to file a complaint. A procedure exists. CAAP centres can assist and accompany you in filing a complaint, if you are dissatisfied with care or services you received in the Quebec health network. Call 1-877-767-2227 for free and confidential help.