The Cancer Research Society (the Society) and the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation (the Foundation) are proud to jointly announce the “100 years of cancer research” competition to fund some of the most promising metastatic breast cancer research projects in Quebec and throughout the country. The total value of the grants to be awarded is $1 million- $500,000 from the Society and $500,000 from the Foundation.
This competition aims to develop and promote scientific research excellence (preclinical/translational) to provide those affected with metastatic breast cancer (stage 4) with the most innovative treatments available.
Stage 4 cancer is considered incurable and the majority of people living with the diagnosis undergo constant treatment to limit the progression of the disease and mitigate side effects, hence the importance of maximizing research and support efforts.
The “100 years of cancer research” initiative marks the Society’s and the Foundation’s 75th and 25th anniversaries respectively, and highlights collaborations between these two organizations that have united their efforts to ensure the continuity of breast cancer research during this crucial time when researchers and patients need it more than ever before.
“Research is essential, especially in the context of the pandemic. We are proud to continue our mission and collaborate with the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation. We need to join forces to accelerate the pace of cancer research.” – Manon Pepin, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Cancer Research Society.
“The Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation is aware of the pressing needs of those living with metastatic breast cancer and is proud to collaborate with the Society to develop targeted, innovative treatments and thereby improve the prognosis of this community.” – Jida El Hajjar, Vice-President of Investments and Health Promotion, Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation.
Researchers interested in submitting a project are invited to do so online on the Society’s website: